Batch #10
Blue Marble 2% Milk (Sell By date: 8/7/9). The air temp was 80 degrees and the relative humidity was 45% when I started batch 10 at 6:00 pm. 6:00 Dissolve 1/4 tablet in 1/4 cup of non-chlorinated water 6:05 Dissolve 1/2 tablespoon of citric acid granules in one cup of non-chlorinated water 6:10 Add milk to pot 6:10 Add citric acid solution and turn on heat 6:11 Milk was 40 degrees 6:12 Milk was 55 degrees 6:14 Milk was 70 degrees 6:15 Milk was 75 degrees 6:16 Milk was 80 degrees 6:17 Milk was 85 degrees 6:18 Milk at 90 degrees. Turn off heat and slowly add rennet, cover pot, and wait. 6:20 Get colander, salt, and cold water bath ready. 6:23 Check curd. It was forming well, but I wanted to wait one more minute. 6:24 Cut curd. It cut very nicely, but hard to cut cross ways as always. 6:26 Start reheating to 110 degrees. 6:29 Not at 110, but curds were melting into each other. Turned off heat. 6:30 Whey poured off easily. Curds were in one melty mass. 6:31 Reheat whey bath for stretching 6:32 Folded curd twice in the colander to let remaining whey out. 6:33 The cheese ball was pretty firm and already pretty shiny. 6:35 Started stretching the ball. It stretched easily and I was almost done before I remembered the salt. 6:38 Done stretching and in the cold water bath. 6:39 13 ounces of nice looking (low salt) string cheese. 6:40 Took photos. 6:42 Sprinkled salt on outside of cheese and packed in container. This cheese looks pretty good, but is not nearly salty enough for me.
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